California — A Glimpse into America’s Future?

A cliche very much represents a trend in our country — “As California goes, so goes the future of America“.  For many years not only Americans have been emulating what is done in California, but other countries are around the world.

Now decades later we are watching California turn into a lawless and seemingly unhindered state — one where injustice seems to rule the day.  Felons run the streets unafraid of law enforcement because the laws are being changed to ‘give a break’ to felons.  However, law abiding citizens are being punished and fined without mercy with the intent to get money to support those who do not work.  Sounds nuts, doesn’t it?  But it continues to get worse every day.

Victor Hanson is a well respected man in America who is very wise and well-informed.  He apparently chose to explore California to see firsthand what that state was like.  Because he was so negatively impressed with what he saw, he chose to document his experience.

The following is Mr. Hanson’s article on California and the impact of that state as a result of their screwy decisions.  One must wonder if the rest of our country is going this same direction — maybe not as fast, but moving toward the same goal..?

Understanding the California Mind

Where has this behavior been exhibited previously around the world?  The answer is, just look at any country that has been taken over by communism.  A recent example is Venezuela.  Crops being destroyed needlessly, lawlessness running rampant, gross numbers of people dependent on the state, are all examples of communist tactics in their regimes.

These examples of the insidious progression of communism in our country should be frightening to anyone who cares.  If you care, point this out to someone you know to help wake up our country.  Be a part of the solution.




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