The Little Book of Liberal Lies

We receive a lot of electoral and political ‘junk mail’ soliciting money of course.  But occasionally we receive something worth reading.  One of those items came to us about a week ago and I just got around to reading it and thought it should be shared with everyone!

Senator Elbert Guillory is a current sitting official who in 2013 said he had enough.  It was then that he switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican party — much like many blacks during Lincoln’s time.  He indicated that the Democrat Party proved to him they did not have the ‘black’ interest at heart.

Having held a few years as a Republican he decided to write, publish, and distribute to Republican voters his subject booklet so that everyone knew what was really going on in politics and who is supporting blacks — not just saying nice platitudes.  After reading his booklet I decided to retype it (abridged) so that even more people can know what is really going on in Washington.  The following is a duplication of that information for your review.  Please share it with everyone so that they know the lies being told for decades.


Little Book of Liberal Lies

by Senator Guillory

The three lies the left uses to enslave black Americans and quotes by well know politicians over several decades of progressive influence.

To my black brothers or sister.

In 2013 I made national headlines when I abandoned the government plantation and party of disappointment.  Otherwise known as the Democratic Party.

My reason?  Democrats have hijacked and enslaved black America for their own power while destroying the black community.  Now I’m fighting to break those chains once and for all.  That’s why my campaign and I set you this “Little Book of Liberal Lies“.  Not only does this booklet give leftists a well-deserved tongue lashing, it also exposes the top three lies they use to keep black Americans like you in chains.

If nothing else, I hope your eyes are opened to the fact that Hillary Clinton and ALL liberals don’t care about me and you — the black community or freedom.  They only care about one thing:  Control.

After reading this, I pray you’ll join me today by rejecting your moder day slave masters and abandon the Democratic plantation and party of disappointment while turning to the true party of freedom — the party of Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

God bless you — Senator Elbert Guillory

Liberal Lie #1

‘All Republicans are racists’

If I exposed this lie to other black Americans, the Democrats would lose their stranglehold of the black community.  And if they lost that, they’d lose what they want most — CONTROL.

So these racist democrats tried to silence me by blasting me as an Oreo, Uncle Tom, and Race Traitor.  Ironic right?  Democrats celebrate themselves as the party of diversity and acceptance, but as soon as I leave t heir plantation, they start lashing me with their verbal whips.  The following are a few more examples of similar behavior.

President Woodrow Wilson (D) — Racist Father of Modern day progressivism

“The white men were roused by a mere instinct of self-preservation — until at the last there had sprung into existence a great Ku Klux Klan, a veritable empire of the South, to protect the Southern country.”

President Harry S. Truman — The savior of WWII

“I think one man is just as good as another so long as he’s not a n*gger or a Chinaman.  Uncle Will says that the Lord made a white man from dust, a n*gger from mud, then He threw up what was left and it came down a Chinaman.  He does hate Chinese and Japs.  So do I.  It is race prejudice I guess.  But I am strongly of the opinion Negroes ought to be in Africa.  Yellow men in Asia, and White men in Europe and America.”

President Lyndon B. Johnson — Creator of the so-called ‘Great Society’

“I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

President Bill Clinton — ‘Slick Willie’

“A few years ago, [Barack Obama] would have been getting us coffee.”

Senator Harry Reid — from Arizona

“…a ‘light-skinned’ African America [Obama] ‘with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.”

Joe Biden — Obama’s Vice-president

“you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy.  I mean, that’s a storybook man.”

Rev. Al Sharpton — 1994 speech at Kean College, NJ

“White folks was in caves while we was building empires…  We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”

Jessie Jackson — 1996

“There is nothing more painful to me …  than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

Hillary Clinton — To political operative Paul Fray 1996

“They [black youths] are often the kinds of kids that are called ‘super-predators’, no conscience, no empathy, we can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel.”

Margaret Sanger (Modern-day influence for birth control)  — Hillary Clinton’s self stated role model

Sanger created what eventually became the ‘Planned Parenthood Federation of America’.  The same group that has aborted millions of black babies.  Her view on blacks:  “Colored people are like human weeds and need to be exterminated.”

Liberal Lie #2

‘Democrats are champions of civil liberties’

  1. The Democratic Party created the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) after the Confederacy’s defeat in the Civil War.  An estimated 3,446 black Republicans and 1,297 white Republicans were lynched by the KKK between 1882 and 1968.
  2. Jim Crow segregation laws in the South were created by Democrats looking to overturn Republican civil rights laws.
  3. Democrats supported the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision that said, “a negro whose ancestors were imported into the U.S., and sold as slaves”, whether enslaved or free, could not be an American citizen.  The decision was 7-2 with ALL 7 Democrat judges voting in favor and the Republican and Whig dissenting.
  4. Immediately after taking office in 1913, President Woodrow Wilson (D) fired most blacks who worked in the Federal government and re-segregated the Treasury Department, Mail Service and the Navy.
  5. Governor George Wallace (D) stood in front of the Alabama schoolhouse in 1963, fighting to keep segregation permanent.
  6. Democrat public safety commissioner Eugene Connor in Birmingham, Alabama unleashed attack dogs and turned the fire hoses on civil rights demonstrators.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of the Democrat’s racist history.  As much as Democrats don’t want black Americans to know about this, they really don’t want you to know that the Republican Party is the real party of civil rights.  Somehow Democrats have whitewashed history to cover up the facts.

  1. The Republican Party was founded in 1854 as an abolitionist movement with one simple creed:  Slavery is a violation of the rights of man.
  2. Famous African American abolitionist Frederick Douglass calls the Republicans the “party of freedom and progress”.
  3. The first Republican President was Abraham Lincoln — the author of the Emancipation Proclamation.  Freeing the slaves was a big deal, much to the horror of Democrats.
  4. Republicans in Congress authored the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.  Congressional Republicans unanimously backed the 13th Amendment banning slavery while 63% of Democrats Senators and 78% of Democrat House members voted against it.
  5. 94% of Republican Senators and 96% of Republican House members voted in favor of the 14th Amendment, guaranteeing due process of law to blacks and all Americans.  All Congressional Democrats voted against it.
  6. Nearly all Congressional Republicans voted in favor of passing the 15th Amendment guaranteeing blacks the right to vote.  Every single Democrat voted ‘no’.
  7. President Dwight Eisenhower (R) championed the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and was unanimously supported by Republicans.  Democrats in the ?Senate filibustered it.


Liberal Lie #3

“The Democrat’s Agenda is best for black Americans”

The Democratic Party has created the illusion that their agenda and policies are what’s best for black people.  In fact, the heart of liberalism is the belief that only a great, all powerful central government can be the benefactor of social justice for all Americans.

Democrats love control — the empty suits disguise control as charity.  But they’re only ‘charitable’ with other people’s money.  And that’s exactly how they control and enslave black Americans. Slavery still exists through government controlled programs like welfare, food stamps, etc.

Liberal policies have failed the black community  Black Americans vote over 90% Democrat, but our communities are just as poor as they’ve always been!  Or have been completely razed!  Just look at Detroit.  A liberal controlled hell-hole.

Our schools continue to fail children.  And liberals refuse to allow school vouchers while at the same time sending their kids to the best private schools.  Our prisons are filled with too many young men who should be at home raising their children and caring for their family.  But here’s the bottom line…

Liberalism has destroyed black America.  Liberals don’t care about liberty.  They don’t care about [your] freedom.  Liberals could care less about African Americans like me and you.  That’s why I decided to leave the Democratic party for good in 2013.  Most people said it was a bold decision.  I don’t think so.  I think it was the right decision – not only for me, but for all my brothers and sisters in the black community.

The Republican Party is the party of freedom.  That’s a word that’s tossed around so frequently today that it’s become a cliche.

Here’s what freedom means to me and my black brothers and sisters.  Freedom is:  the idea that the economy must remain free of government persuasion;  the idea that the press must operate without government intrusion and actually hold our leaders feet to the fire.

We may finally all echo the words of one Republican leader who famously said…

“Free at last, free at last.  Thank God almighty, we are free at last.” — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Please share this information with as many people as possible.  The progressives in this country are doing their best to pervert our history and depend on us to keep ourselves ignorant of what the truth is in America.  If you’ve ever wondered why we’re going downhill fast, this is one of the major reasons.





45 thoughts on “The Little Book of Liberal Lies”

      1. I have one copy of that booklet and its great. I found another title that is equally good and is a little booklet of the same identical size. I almost get them mixed up. Its called “Make Black America Great Again” by Vernon Robinson, from Winston -Salem, NC. Its a great substitution with a lot of the same information . Go to his website and make a donation . his website is You won’t be disappointed. In fact send me you address and i’ll send you one. He sent me a boxful . My email is


    1. Michele,

      I tried finding out how to get the books for you, but didn’t do very good. I even called the congressman’s website phone number — no return call. I believe they were done during a campaign ad. One option is to look up his Washington phone number and leave a message with them.

      We have two hard copies, that’s it. But the language is almost identical in my article as to what is in the book. I left out some superfluous language in it, but tried to keep it as exact as possible from there. If you’d like to pursue this further, please send your email address.

      Sorry I can’t do better.



      1. i have the name of another very conservative black excongressman by the name of vernon robinson who has an equally good booklet called “make Black America Great again.” He lives in Winston-SAlem NC and he just sent be a batch of these booklets. he will reply to you. I’ve seen both booklets and they are equally good and are identical in size.
        his website is check it out, you won’t be disappointed.


    1. I believe they have an address in them to write to..?? If not, I am sorry to say I do not know. This is why I “retyped the entire booklet”! I thought it important to get out to more people.


  1. I just got one of these in the mail from which is his website. I was hoping there would be an exact PDF of the ‘little black book’ I received. I found it frustrating to read, because it is full or errors – apostrophes misused (wrong location, used where it shouldn’t have been, and missing), me and you instead of you and me, could care less rather than couldn’t care less, text repeated, and one of my pet peeves – Democratic rather than Democrat. I wanted to be able to mark it up electronically and send it to them. I love and totally agree with the contents, but I wish he / they would have someone proof it before going to print.


    1. I don’t mean to be rude, but ‘caveat emptor’. It would seem to me that “no one” edits what is written any more. I’ve told people who want to write that they must follow the first rule of writing — read what you write!! (I actually found an error in this sort response while reading it!)

      Don, where are you located in this world of ours?


  2. I NEED some copies of your wonderful book “Little Book of Liberal LIes”!

    HOW can I get some? Just today someone gave me a copy.



    1. I STILL cannot find this book online. But this does not surprise me. The Left does anything they can to eliminate the truth from the web — the BIG HOLE in their media lying machine. 😦


    1. I have had numerous requests for copies, but to date I have not been able to find them. You might consider Googling the author an see it if you can get t hem from him..?


      1. I have received numerous copies of the “Little Book of Liberal Lies”.
        I saved them, and later gave them away, mostly to white people. Most
        whites are also ignorant of this history of Democrats. I too copied the book onto my computer so I can print copies, but would love to have more of the books. I thought it was well done and more effective with the photos and graphics. I have had only positive responses from the people I gave them to. Of I’m conservative, and the Democrat “friends” I used to have all turned on me when I voted for Trump.


      2. Phil,
        Although I ‘hand copied’ just a snippet of the book, it would be nice to have the entire text to share with others. If you would be so kind, please send your soft-copy to:

        I will re-post the article and share with hundreds of people. This is information that must be shared with many.

        Thanks for your comment and for sharing your information.

        Phil 2 🙂


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