The Biden Economy – Disaster With a Purpose

Recession ahead - road sign warning concept

During the Trump administration, we all felt like the ‘real’ America was coming back.  “Go MAGA!!”  Hundreds of positive changes were being implemented quickly, and the future was looking brighter every day.  And then 2020 came, and with it came Joe Biden (along with his Marxist ‘advisors’).  It would seem as if the new dark ages had fallen upon us.  Almost every week we saw changes made by the administration that were having a horrendously negative impact on our economy. 

Since, those changes have been collectively demonstrating themselves as a coming disaster.  Lives are being impacted and most families are finding it hard ‘to make ends meet’.  Yet with all of the outcry, it continues to this day.  So, what is going on?

By now you think that you could do a better job than this administration.  After all, no one could make that many ‘mistakes’.  And without obtaining a Masters degree in economics, I believe many logical thinking people who have this country’s best interest in mind could do enormously better!

Then why is the administration making so many ‘mistakes’?  If this continues, we can find ourselves in a recession or worse.  The answer to this question may be that they aren’t mistakes, that they are accomplishing what they have set out to do.

How does one generally create a thriving economy?  By creating jobs (the government does not create jobs, they influence job creation), reducing regulations, lowering taxes (burden), increasing production of goods, and incentivizing corporations to create more new businesses.  Altogether, wealth is created to improve the lives and futures of those in this country – plus, to make an even better future for our kids and grand-kids.

Where does energy play a role in this better approach?  It takes energy – that is, cheap energy – to power industry in America (and at least any successful country).  The industrial revolution required massive amounts of energy to take America from an agricultural age into the future we enjoy(ed).  What does the Biden administration do on day one of his first term?  He crippled the oil industry by: closing down the oil pipeline from Canada; stopped drilling on federal lands; stopped signing permits for any new oil leases; and anything else he could do to cripple the oil industry. 

Shortly after, he ordered that all coal powered facilities be shut-down and ‘destroyed’ ASAP (which is still happening).  (That also included all efficient coal plants.)  And one should ask why electrical power facilities driven by water (natural streams) are under attack considering they are the ‘greenest’ electrical power you can generate!  And to insure that the American public are and shall stay uninformed, dams are being shut down across the U.S. without notoriety. 

So now our country is rapidly going downhill with just these few sources of money and power.  “Wait a minute”, you ask.  What started the inflation that we are dealing with? 

The answer is simple at its core – too much money chasing too few goods.  “Where did the excess money come from?  Biden & Co. of course.  It’s called quantitative easing; aka, printing of money (digitally); aka, pulling a rabbit out of your butt!!? 

Every time we ‘print more money’, we dilute the American dollar.  Here is a brief example to explain.

If say you have 1000 troy tons of gold and it has a very large value, say $10 trillion dollars.  And you printed $10 trillion worth of U.S. dollars (notes).  Then that $10T dollars = $10T gold.  Obvious.

Now if you printed another $10T in currency, what would each dollar be worth? 

(i.e., $10T gold [a fixed amount]/$20T in newly printed dollars – that would mean each U.S. dollar would be worth $0.50.)

Ask yourself: with our debt being $31.4T; our current annual deficit (debt created annually) being $1.2T; and our unfunded liabilities (things we owe someone that we have no money for) being over $100T; what do you think our U.S. dollar would REALLY be worth today?

Answer:  “Not a hell of a lot!” 

Does that help explain why a new car costs what a house did just a few years ago?

And now to add to this enormous, and catastrophic situation, we throw in inflation!  What do you propose that would spell? 


You might ask, “Who is supposed to be in charge of this subject within the federal government?”  That would be congress, except for the fact they gave up that ‘constitutionally assigned task’ and allowed it to be assumed by the executive branch!  And who would that be?  Biden & Co., of course. 

Think of any decision that the executive branch has implemented in the last two and a half years and ask yourself, “Is it possible that they have a different agenda than us?”  You bet. 

But let us be charitable.  Joe Biden may be ‘running’ this country, but to a 10% degree at best.  It should be obvious by now that he has some of the most radical Marxists behind him ‘reminding him’ of what his current decision is and what’s next.  This is not a string of mistakes; it is a list of positioning moves. 

If we were playing chess, we’d just have a king, and at best a pawn left on the board.

I’ve said it before, but I submit this article to drive home the truth and update my many times I have repeated the statement, “Their objective is to destroy the American economy and subsequently destroy the country”.  Why?  To allow the ‘one world government’ to take over the decisions of ALL countries in the world.  And we are #1 on the list to destroy.  Because as America goes, so goes the world.  We have been the world leaders for almost 250 years.  Or at least we were.

For the sake of brevity, I didn’t go into the shortages we’ve had recently.  e.g., thousands of chickens burned to death in mysterious fires; thousands of cattle which also died in unknown source fires; etc.  All of which wreaked of terrorism occurring on U.S. soil without any media fanfare. 

Preparation Suggestion:  Get out of debt, prepare for the worst, pray for forgiveness, and ask for divine help.  Because what’s coming will be MUCH worse than 2008-2009.  Think 1930’s…  not tomorrow, but very soon.

For more statistics and good reading regarding our economy, please see the following newsletter from Hillsdale College.

Hillsdale College Newsletter

PLEASE forward this article to those you know.  My articles are not searchable via Google since they have ‘cancelled me’.  Which, is a badge of honor I accept.  Especially since there’s nothing I can do about it… 

Feel free to comment on this article or any others posted because your suggestions are welcomed.  If you are not reading this article from an email, click on the title of the article at my webpage (; Scroll to the bottom of it; and enter your comments into the box after the words “LEAVE A REPLY”.

If you wish to receive notices whenever I release a new article, merely click on the word FOLLOW (generally on the right) and then enter your email address.  New articles come out immediately after their posting.  And do not be concerned about being flooded with mail.  Only one or two posts are entered per week — AT MOST.



America Under Fire – Inside and Out – Part II


If you haven’t read Part I of this article, please read it first. 

America Under Fire – Inside and Out – Part I

Part I discusses just a few of the numerous things accomplished under the Biden administration which has had a very negative impact on the U.S. 

Since Part I was posted (six days ago) something of import came out in the news.  Here’s a one sentence summary of it for you.

As part of the U.S. Federal Housing Finance Agency’s push for more affordable housing, home buyers with good credit scores will be forced to pay additional fees on their mortgages. Starting on May 1 …”  (This should have yet another negative impact on real estate.)

To read the full article, click the following link.

Biden administration hiking mortgage fees for Americans with good credit

Doesn’t that just fry your bacon!?  So, if you buy a home you get ‘fined’ for being a good steward of your money and saving.  As for the slacker down the road who has been living off the dole, spending like crazy (80” TVs, etc.), and who has been referring to you as “the man”, he gets a boost when buying a home!  Fair, right?

These equity ‘enhancements’, for example, are killing our economy.  This is just the latest brainstorm the administration wants to right all wrongs.  (Note: This is not a bill that congress must sign off, it is an executive order.)  These changes are happening with breathtaking speed and frequency – and they add up.  They are things to worry the average person.  However, we must worry about things like the ‘Amy Nelson’ story happening to us also! 

The Amy Nelson Story – Her family’s life was destroyed for years along with their property and ability to support themselves – for years!  This is the sort of thing that can happen to anyone – yes, even me!  Imagine not being able to make your house payment because you no longer have any money!?  Frightening!

But given all the evil being perpetrated on the American people from within the U.S. isn’t enough, we now face troubles from outside the U.S.

World War & Chaos

So much for inside our country, do we have anything to be concerned with outside the U.S.?  You bet.  China is and has been attacking us for years.  Cyber-attacks from China have been hacking our federal government successfully 800 times per day; scoping out our water supply and electrical grid, and other systems for a long time.  Why would they take such action?  Primarily because they want to be the new world leader, and they can’t do that with the U.S. in the way. 

Russia is right behind China vying for second place.  Russia has also done their fair share of hacking our systems, and we believe they may have started the 2008 stock market crash by shorting our stocks by the billions.  They bought specific stocks ‘short’ telegraphing to Wallstreet that stocks would tumble.  Wallstreet went for it and sold like crazy.  Once things leveled off, Russia exercised their options and made billions on their investment consequently making out with a ‘two-fer’ (losses for the American stockholder and billions of bucks for Russians). 

Now China is building up their military in every way they can (faster than Hitler before WWII).  But recently they increased their investments in their military and improved their technology.  Which creates a challenge for the U.S. in the event of a Taiwan attack.  The U.S. is obligated by treaties to support Taiwan.  Since we’re shipping our weapons to Ukraine guess who’s short weapons?  You’ve got it, the U.S.

Here’s just a handful of the issues the U.S. military faces currently.

  • 70% of 17-24 year olds are unqualified to serve in our military* – due to being overweight or their mental fitness.
  • Our recruitment is down 15,000 per year.
  • Our current headcount is the lowest it’s been in decades.
  • Our ships, planes, ground equipment, and ammunition are all in short supply.
  • And we are playing catch-up with our technology with both China and Russia.
  • And in a war of attrition, it would be a major uphill fight due to the huge discrepancy in troop count between our military and China’s, much less adding in Russia’s.

Note*:  “However, according to DOD statistics, seven out of 10 people in the 17-24 age demographic are ineligible for military service. Primary disqualifiers for potential recruits include obesity, criminal record, past drug use, or failure to meet minimum educational requirements.” — Back to Basics: big changes to Army recruit training

Quite the ugly picture.  Given this situation, how do we survive it? 

Our country had best flex its muscles, talk a good game, and delay the inevitable with the hope that we can catch up.  You might ask, who in this country would take action?  We know that the current executive branch of this country wouldn’t.  How do you think we got weaker than ever?

Many people in America dislike Donald Trump because of his ‘personality’.  But Trump managed to get ‘Rocket Man’ (Kim Jun Un – North Korean dictator) to back off from shooting rockets off at his unprecedented frequency.  Which was a task never done before, except for Trump.  

Having a tough president is a great start at keeping world peace, but it is not the only answer.  A world class military showing strength with good leadership (not general Milley) goes a long way toward keeping the peace.  The men in our military and their ‘strength’ in battle goes a long way toward success.  Strength does not mean just muscles, but also mental strength.  Our men and women must be strengthened to withstand the sacrifice of war.

America’s Wars and History

 Before the revolutionary war with the British in America, the inhabitants of this land were hearty people.  They actually worked to support their families.  When the British made it clear the only way we would not become serfs under British rule, was to go to war with them.  Don’t you think our predecessors were afraid of the mightiest military in world history at the time?  You bet, but they stood up and showed their strength anyway. 

They faced ten times their manpower on the battlefield.  The British had superior weapons and equipment – the mightiest army in world history at the time.  Our forefathers had at best: old muskets, the clothes on their back, and typically bare feet to fight with – in the winter!  But did that stop them?  No!  Their commander-in-chief George Washington lost most of the battles they fought in the early years.  Did that stop them?  No!  When they fought in the winter with frostbite feet, did they quit?  No!

As a result, the small rag-tag army beat the mightiest army in the world.  Could we do that today?  Possibly, but it would take military leadership making difficult decisions to form a new military of strength.  (Too often military leaders fight the ‘last’ war, instead of the current war.  Which often doesn’t end well.) 

Our Current Military

Many law enforcement departments are short headcount by 20-30%.  Consequently, often their ‘standards’ are reduced to meet headcount requirements.  Our military is, to a large degree, in the same situation.  In today’s society, military age men are too often referred to with less than flattering words.  That implies they are likely to be less ‘resilient’ than their predecessors in the military.  i.e., WWII  This must get fixed, and quick. 

Our country needs more strength – that means you and I too.  We need to stand up against those who are attacking us.  If someone insists you agree with them on some silly or insane notion, you should respectfully refuse to agree – not necessarily back down immediately.  If we continue to respond to people with unrealistic or even bizarre speech for another 1-2 years using a weak response, we are destined to be left in the dustbin of history and labeled as a bunch of crazies.

How to Build Strength

America has been under attack for over ‘100 years’ and is now functioning with a short fuse.  We cannot continue to agree with insanity – at the very least.  We must turn back to our roots, where America was formed.  Our constitution was created by our founders based on Christian principles and rights – they are ‘natural’ rights.  We need to be held accountable to something outside of ourselves.  Which is why the Christian religion was used in the forming our country’s values and our Bill of Rights.

Americans need faith. Faith is necessary when all other options run out.  Faith must be in something ‘outside’ of ourselves.  If we rely only on ourselves, then what do we do when ‘we’ let ourselves down?  Who do we turn to when no one can help?  Which is why the majority of our forefathers believed in God.  That belief created the strength to build this country and our constitution, not just win a war. 

The Steps of Obtaining Strength

Our forefathers never lost hope.  How did they accomplish that?  They maintained a strong faith in God and prayed before every session of congress for guidance and wisdom.  With that faith came hope.  If we lose hope, we are typically done.  This is when people often commit suicide.  With hope, we are moved to continue (even though our feet are freezing (in snow), because we are fighting not just for ourselves, but for those to our right and left.  We are doing something for others which further motivates us. 

Hope leads to character – the strength to do what is right, unquestionably, and consistently.  And through that strength, we develop the courage to fight for what is right, without hesitation.  That is what makes heroes.  That is what makes up a strong army and a strong country! 

Right now, the American people cannot agree on what time it is.  ‘We’ are the problem.  We are too prideful.  We have become a country of narcissists.  We are in the process of recreating the tower of Bable.  There is no truth, no right or wrong, everything goes.  And like those before us building that tower, given our current path, we too will find ourselves lost, without direction, and forgotten in history.

Americans must look outside of themselves, now!  We must return to our Christian roots; pray for forgiveness; turn from our destructive and arrogant ways; and become the strong American people we once were.  If not, we will be lost for a very long time and find ourselves living as slaves for someone else.  That would include your children, grand-children, and great-grand-children. 

We are not just fighting man; we are fighting evil.  Only a force outside of this world could direct us to become this weak and lost. 

It is up to each of us to act, to stand up to injustice.  For us to not act, is to act.  We must stand for something greater than ourselves… today.  Because time is very short. 

PLEASE forward this article to those you know.  My articles are not searchable via Google since they have ‘cancelled me’.  Which, is a badge of honor I accept.  Especially since there’s nothing I can do about it… 

Feel free to comment on this article or any others posted because your suggestions are welcomed.  If you are not reading this article from an email, click on the title of the article at my webpage (; Scroll to the bottom of it; and enter your comments into the box after the words “LEAVE A REPLY”.

If you wish to receive notices whenever I release a new article, merely click on the word FOLLOW (generally on the right) and then enter your email address.  New articles come out immediately after their posting.  And do not be concerned about being flooded with mail.  Only one or two posts are entered per week — AT MOST.

America Under Fire – Inside and Out – Part I


For the reader:

Please give some thought to the questions in this article.  Consider your view.  I typically analyze data by a ‘connecting the dots’ process through observation and considerable evaluation.  I hope you see the ‘sense’ I am making out of the ‘nonsense’ we hear daily from the media.

Phase II of the ‘Fundamental Transformation’

Phase II because Barack Hussein Obama jump started in 2008 what we are experiencing today!

Since the election of Joe Biden, we have seen numerous changes made in our country starting on the first day of his presidency.  Of all the changes made since then, how many do you remember that were advantageous to America?  Or maybe even good for you?

One must ask oneself; how could an administration be so incompetent?  One answer is that incompetency isn’t the issue.  Consider the idea that everything that has happened in the last two years was carefully planned.

You see, the trick to ‘unwinding’ the mess that the administration has created is to start with their objective – what is it?  Next, the targets of these actions need to be identified by ‘category’.  e.g., economy, employment, immigration, etc.

If you read any of the hundreds of articles on my website, it quickly becomes clear that I have been writing about communist activity in America since 2014.  A great place to start is to do a Google search for ‘communist goals America’.  (If you do, you will find the following document link pointing to the January 10th, 1963 congressional library appendix pages A34 and A35.)

Communist Goals for America

Focus on goal #15 – ‘Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

Although we witness a lot of ‘mudslinging’ in congress, we ultimately see both parties feckless.   The result is we typically get the short end of the stick on almost every topic or issue presented to this corrupt group of alleged ‘representatives’.  Could it be that the communists in America have in fact infiltrated the government’s House and Senate?  Would that not, for example, explain the recent disastrous two years we’ve endured so far?  Do you expect any changes to this process in the near future?  Do you see democrats changing their strategy?  Or the republicans?

We are constantly watching a kabuki show of clowns (aka, representatives) who are playing us for fools, while doing what is good for them.  Isn’t it ironic that these people get elected to office with moderate incomes and personal budgets?  Later they own multiple homes with millions of dollars in the bank.  It’s hard not to believe that at least some of the bad decisions they are making (voting) are being done on ‘purpose’!

Consider reading this article – The Sinking of America — The Afghanistan Debacle – and then ask yourself if I make the case for that action being done on purpose, and not in error.  Then consider the things we are experiencing today.  How can any reasonable person not conclude that this is all part of a larger plan?

That ‘exit’ was anything but a wellplanned exit.  It was a debacle from the initial planning stages.  And don’t be fooled by the lies told to you today.  The vast majority of American and Afghan people were spirited out of the country by private NGOs with horrendous opposition from the State department.  Their plan was to trap Americans and friendly Afghan military supporters in country with the Taliban lurking close by.  Too hard to believe?  Consider checking out Glenn Beck’s Mercury One organization.  They are the ones who saved literally thousands of lives over several weeks of fighting our own government – the State department!

What is the Big plan?  Destroy America!  (As we know it.)

What are the things that the current administration has been attacking since taking over the presidency?

  • Actively making the constitution irrelevant by ignoring and violating it since day one (passing executive order in direct violation of the constitution).
  • Supporting the making of laws in many cities irrelevant by downgrading crimes, not requiring bail, and criminalizing innocent
  • Influencing corporations, organizations, and points of power for the purpose of devaluing the country’s morals and values.
  • Incessantly trying to disrupt the social order with the intent of bringing chaos in larger cities.
  • Doing everything possible to destroy our economy starting with killing our oil production and oil reserves.
  • They have actively and aggressively made our military a shadow of what it once was, and our security is the worst it has been decades.
  • And now they are supporting surgical procedures on our children to alter their sex – with the intent of supporting their dysphoria!
  • And many more

All of this (and more) says their objective is to weaken America to a point where we reach critical mass – the Left would then turn us into, not the USSR, but the USSA or the ‘United Socialist States of America’.  Although we are already effectively a socialist state, they are now trying to grab control of resources and means of production – to insure we become a communist state.

What are their short-term objectives?  (18 months)

Destroy Donald Trump and then Ron De Santis.  Both of these men are a threat to the Left’s game plan and could seriously delay their ultimate goal.  Because they are so close to that goal, they will become more like rats in a corner and strike out even more viciously in the immediate future.  When did you think you would ever see Americans incarcerated in federal prisons without judicial review or charge?  Does that not at least sound like an administrative state?  Or potentially a totalitarian government?

We see the administration actively destroying the American dollar and economy.  Why would anyone do such a thing – intentionally?  The obvious conclusion is to gain power and control.  (Which is a common objective of many elites.)  The reason for this action is in line with the major objective of the Left – American domination (serfdom) and loss of world power.  Why?  Because America stands in the way of “The Great Reset”, which translated, means converting the world into a communist state – and potentially returning the entire world into a state of serfdom.

For what reason?  To have most wealth in the hands of the world’s elites and the remainder of the world’s population owning ‘nothing’.  i.e., The road to serfdom!  (This all fits the intent of the recent quote from the World Economic Forum – “You will own nothing and be happy.”

You are already seeing activity (discussed earlier) destroying the petro-dollar and other American riches.  But soon we are about to see the next phase of this process – the implementation of FEDNOW.  This is a banking computer system intended for primarily smaller banks in America.  The following is a brief explanation of this system and the CBDC.

When computer systems are designed, they are often broken up into ‘functional’ elements of a greater system.  The typical rationale for this approach is to address load distribution (on computers) and system performance.  Trying to create a computer system that will handle transaction rates coming at blinding speeds from all over the country and/or world would impact system reliability and performance.  The modular approach distributes load to multiple systems and/or platforms which creates that reliability and performance.

FEDNOW is one of those functions which is available for banks in the U.S.  The marketing plan is to address the need for speed with the smaller banks.  Currently, money transactions take too long, often due to manual intervention.  FEDNOW automates this transaction process and is seen by the smaller (retail) banks as a means to serve their customers faster with 24 hour by seven-day availability. No more closing for the weekend!  Why close, the banks have laid off the employees.  TV commercials are being presented to the public…  NOW!

Don’t believe them if they tell you this has nothing to do with digital currency.

Next, we will see the implementation of the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), which by the way has been in beta test for over a year on the east coast!  Four of the leading banks have been using it for that long with ‘live’ transactions.  It is my estimate that CBDC will be available within the next 18 months – or sooner.

The question you have in mind may be, “Why would we need this new digital currency?”  This is a huge topic, so to be brief, it gives the federal government the ability to track every dollar that you receive and spend – a scary thought.  But wait, there’s more!

Another part of money control is: Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG).  The purpose of ESG is to have a ‘scoring system’ similar to the communist Chinese.  With this control, the government can manipulate the public.  By using ESG with the CBDC, it allows the feds to control all money and your spending (how much you spend, on what, etc.).  Which allows them to control not only the economy, but the people.

Our government has been controlling our economy for years – keeping interest rates low for the rich to get money cheaply, which is one reason why we are fighting a recession and inflation today.  With the control of spending and the ability to control lending rates, they can and will control the economy even tighter than they do today.  And if your ESG score is low enough, you might find yourself with no food, home, etc.

Put all of that together with the continued dilution of our constitution and bill of rights; the printing of money in the ‘trillions’ eroding the value of our dollars; combined with the further erosion of our electoral process; you should see how they can quickly create an environment for an American dictatorship!  So much for democracy.

Long-Term objective (2-6 years)

The Left’s key objective is to ‘flip’ America from being the USA, to not the USSR, but to the USSA (United Socialist States of America).  Once they have implemented the last phase of their plan, they will have collected enough power and control to be able to do almost anything.  And if the government takes power, it typically comes from ‘the people’.  The only way we got power back from ‘the government’ in the past was to take it back – meaning the war with the British.

The question is, if all of the above were to be accomplished, who or what could turn this objective around?  For that answer, and for the sake of brevity, you will need to read part two of this article.  In part two I will point out further issues that we may face of equal or even bigger impact.  But on a positive note, I will state some ideas on how America can become the country we once knew.

To be continued… 

Stay tuned, turn back to God, pray for forgiveness and help for America – for we are not fighting man, but evil.  I am not suggesting that America is evil, but that many of the actions mentioned here are evil.

If you haven’t seen evil in this country by now, look around.  Because today evil is everywhere!  Trust me, you shouldn’t have to look far.

Feel free to comment on this article or any others posted, because your suggestions are welcomed.  If you are not reading this article from an email, click on the title of the article; Scroll to the bottom of it; and enter  your comments into the box after the words “LEAVE A REPLY”.

If you wish to receive notices whenever a new article is released, merely click on the word FOLLOW (generally on the right) and then enter your email address.  New articles come out immediately after their posting.  And do not be concerned about being flooded with mail.  Only one or two posts are entered per week — AT MOST.

COVID — Who can you trust?  A Personal Testimony of a Vaccine Injured Patient

COVID Help Desk: My child is afraid of needles. How do I prepare them for  the COVID vaccine?

Executive Summary

This is one of my longer articles for my blog because of the amount of data relevant to the topic.  That data is required to develop a sense of believability in the reader about my testimony here.  My reason for writing this article is to share my personal experience and medical information from a source I believe is truthful and ‘logical’.  The sources are all medically acclaimed doctors who have been recognized by their profession as leading experts in their field.

This information is especially of importance to you if you have received the COVID vaccine shot(s) and are suffering from their side-effects.  If you haven’t received the shots, you may still want to share this information with friends or family whom it may help.

Hopefully this article will help ensure that future patients do not suffer as long as I did.


Americans today think it is hard to find people they can really trust.  We live in a society that believes, “there is no such thing as truth”.  But without truth, how is society to function ‘normally’ and successfully?  If every source you seek for truth contradicts other ‘reliable sources’, what are you left to believe?

With the advent of COVID-19, there was immediately a tsunami of information thrown at Americans about this new pandemic disease.  How virulent is it?  How is it spread?  What segments of society does it impact most?  What do I do to prevent getting it?  etc.

For months people were totally lost and confused, unable to trust our medical profession.  Many of us just ‘followed orders’ without question or valid research of the disease.  We also failed to form our own opinions regarding the ‘vaccine’.  Now, far too many of us suffer from the negative effects of what we affectionately refer to as the ‘jab’.  Worse, thousands of people have died because of having received the mRNA shots, with many of those people being young.

Some of us would each day watch TV or read the news about the virus and would see constant conflicting information.  Far too many people would not watch the news and would remain in the dark.  Subsequently after two years, it finally became clear to many of us that we were being lied to – daily.  But many of us today still don’t know what the truth is about the ‘vaccine’ and its negative effects.  My hope is to shed some light on this subject to help you better understand part of the COVID subject.

The Author’s Story

If you are a regular reader, you have some insight as to what my objective is with this website.  This is not a new blog, but rather a site with hundreds of articles ( regarding things happening in our country, often with an explanation as to ‘why’ those events took place.  Today, I am writing about my personal experience with the COVID-19 vaccine and the numerous side-effects I experienced because of getting the ‘jab’.

In January of 2020 I contracted COVID (not professionally diagnosed) and became ill for 3-4 days with only one symptom – exhaustion.  I still can’t believe I slept that much.  The day I felt I had recovered (not knowing what I recovered from), I felt totally refreshed and began my normal activities immediately.  It was the strangest illness experience in my life that I can remember.

In January of 2021, while working at a fire department as a Lieutenant, I was informed (along with everyone else) that I was required to get the ’vaccine’ shot or I would no longer function as a first responder with that department.  Reluctantly, I complied along with hundreds of other responders – ranking and line personnel included.

In February I received the second (mRNA) ‘vaccine’ shot at 9:00 am on a Saturday.  At about 8:00 pm than night, while watching TV, I suddenly began shaking extremely hard and uncontrollably.  My wife (an RN) thought I was having a seizure.  I soon after went to bed to warm me up and calm me down, which worked.  At first, we didn’t know what the heck just happened.  But it didn’t take long before we concluded it was a reaction to the second shot.

My incident didn’t end there.  The next day I became very sick with total exhaustion, no fever, no aches, just total exhaustion.  It was somewhat scary.  My situation remained that way for 3-4 days, immediately after which I snapped out of it and went back to my normal schedule as if nothing had happened.  Very weird indeed.

After 2-3 weeks I began to feel weak at the gym for no apparent reason.  As the weeks went on, my strength level continued to decline.  Being a person who goes to a gym three days a week (every week) lifting weights, it wasn’t hard to measure the impact I was experiencing as compared to my normal.  After a while, I noticed my stamina was also dying off rapidly.  I would come home from the gym and be totally exhausted for hours requiring a nap during the day – an extremely odd thing for me.

Over months I began to experience other side-effects collectively.  The strength and stamina symptoms were easy for me to attribute to the shots, but others were very obscure and seemed totally unrelated to getting the mRNA shot(s).  After several months I made the connection between my symptoms and the shots.   I then began my personal investigation into the topic of COVID-19 and shot side-effects.

Medical Information and My Side-effects

I recognized shortly after my second shot, that my side-effects were very different than anything that I had ever encountered before.  Over time I was constantly questioning myself, finding it hard to believe that so many things could be going wrong with me.  After about 3-5 months I began questioning my cognitive processes.  I was typically good with doing math in my head which was commonplace.  I now could not even subtract two two-digit numbers easily.

My ‘mental processing speed’ also seemed to keep getting slower to where one evening, while watching an action movie, I suddenly became conscious that the movie was moving too fast for me to keep up with it.  And if subtitles were on, I often couldn’t read them fast enough.  Finally, there came a time when driving that I found myself focused on the road like a drunk.   But I hadn’t been drinking!  At this point I was very fearful as to what was happening to my cognitive process.

The following are some of the side-effects I experienced during my recovery.

  • Loss of energy
  • Loss of stamina
  • Memory loss and cognitive dysfunction (‘brain fog’)
  • Shortness of breath
  • Bruising (abnormal, easier)
  • Stage-3 kidney dysfunction
  • Testicular intermittent pain

In addition, about 30-60 days after my second mRNA shot, I experienced ‘difficulty in the bedroom’.  However, I didn’t put that symptom together with the shot right away.  It was over a year later that I became suspicious of that symptom being related to the shots.

To date, all these symptoms have completely been resolved.  The one caveat is, my short-term memory is still about what it was prior to COVID – which wasn’t caused by the ‘jab’.

FLCCC To The Rescue

As I was experiencing the above, the COVID ‘pandemic’ was unfolding with almost daily news regarding COVID – most of which was from the CDC, FDA, NIH, et al.  I soon determined that if the source was from the government, it typically smelled like week old fish – laying in the sun.  Therefore, I chose to start researching my condition and potential solutions (avoiding government related sites).  Ultimately, I found the ‘Front Line COVID Critical Care Alliance’ (FLCCC).  And what a find it was!

Initially I found that some of my symptoms were at the top of their side-effects list.  To see what side-effects you can potentially experience, look here to see the complete list.  (To speed your viewing, scroll down the page in the pdf to the title ‘Complications/ injuries caused by COVID injections’.)

The FLCCC Protocol for Post-Vaccine Side-Effects

After consulting the protocol for post-vaccine side-effects at the FLCCC website (, I found their protocol at this page. (  For quicker reading, skip to the paragraph titled ‘First Line Therapies’.  There they list the various vitamins and the needed ivermectin to resolve many of the potential side-effects.

After four weeks of taking the prescribed medications, I found my strength and stamina climbing rapidly.  At the end of the sixth week, most, if not all my symptoms were gone.  The ‘bedroom problem’ was resolved the fourth week of my protocol.  Because it seemed to be resolved out of nowhere, it was a rather stark indicator that the protocol was really having an impact.

I went through and completed their six-week process with ease.  Most of the medications were vitamins I was already taking.  I felt no negative impact in my day-to-day schedule while on the protocol.  (Note: The chance for a potential reaction to ivermectin is minimal.  Ivermectin has been used with humans for decades with reactions only in rare cases.)

Ivermectin is the only drug in the protocol.  To help the reader understand its function, the drug finds and encapsulates the spike protein, thus ‘starving it’ to death.  The dead ‘bug’ is then eliminated from the body through the normal process.  It should be noted that the mRNA shots can produce over 400 billion spike proteins in the recipients body!  It’s no wonder major issues demonstrate after injection.

Please understand that I have tried to be totally honest in my personal assessment.  I have attempted to be as accurate as I could without getting too technical while describing my situation.  My sincere hope is that others may benefit from this report and not suffer needlessly as a result.

The remainder of this article is for reference purposes.  The following links are relevant to this report, and most are found at the FLCCC website.  Hopefully by reading some of this material it will help corroborate my narrative above.

Technical References Available on the Internet

FLCCC website:

The following pages are intended as quick reference.  To get even more information from this website, you can click on the links at the top of their home page.  More information is available if you create a login ID to get information on classes and seminars available, plus their blog.

Negative Side-effects of the COVID vaccine shots:

I-Recover Post-Vaccine Treatment:

Finding a Provider (Medical care):

Finding a Pharmacy:

Vaccine Patient Testimonials:

The Next Two Years — Will Get Crazier Faster

Terrible devil man with red skin. Scary Halloween scene - Photo, Image

We in America, as compared to other countries, should consider ourselves spoiled.  We have much more than other countries.  And, we often don’t appreciate what we do have, and instead think we ‘deserve’ more.

Our country is in a place that it hasn’t been before — since its inception.  The leadership in this country has become so weak and corrupt (which should be obvious) that we’re lucky we have what we do have.  It’s also likely that we won’t have what we have now in the not too distant future.

Why should we believe this dark notion?  Because we have been told by the World Economic Forum (WEF), “You will own nothing, and be happy.”

Consider the following abridged list of things that have occurred in the last two years.  Then consider the speed with which these things are coming at us ‘daily‘.

What seemingly catastrophic activity is coming soon?  e.g., The U.S. digital dollar with ESG coming to America (very soon).  Or maybe the World Health Organization (WHO) being joined by the U.S. (and other U.N. nations) to sign a treaty stating the WHO can tell us what we can and cannot do during any future ‘pandemic’.  (Being voted on Feb. 27th., 2023.)

Here is the short list of those things that may have been keeping you awake at night..?

  • A tax cut announcement became a tax increase.
  • Open borders with fentanyl, terrorists, sex traffickers, criminals arriving in our country ‘freely’ unhindered by U.S. laws.
  • Hunter Biden commits many crimes against the law and he isn’t even questioned by law enforcement.
  • The FBI covers up for Hunter Biden!
  • ‘Peaceful riots’ occur often in 2020, (e.g., BLM, Antifa, et al) with subsequent deaths and there are very few arrests
  • Lock-down of Americans over COVID for an extended period.
  • Jan. 6th citizens are arrested and held without trial for two years and still have not seen justice.
  • Masking of Americans over COVID when science proved that masks don’t even help.
  • The shutdown of 1000’s of small businesses during the COVID lock-down leading to bankruptcy and failure.
  • Cancelling of doctors and the threat of license loss over COVID explanations regarding the stages of the disease, protocols, drugs, etc.
  • Lying to the public regarding the origin of the COVID outbreaks for years – the Wuhan lab.
  • Feds claiming hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin (2015 Nobel Prize) are of no use and are actually bad for you.
  • Letting Americans die from COVID while waiting to see what happens next – 100,000’s die.
  • Feds release remdesivir as a solution to COVID that subsequently killed 1000’s of Americans.
  • Sending $100B to Ukraine for arms — much of which was ‘laundered’ and went to Ukrainian oligarchs.
  • The forcing of Americans to get an untested gene therapy injected into them, ultimately killing millions of them, and then obtaining a ’75 year’ secrecy court order of any information related to the ‘jab’ from Americans.
  • Racism was injected into a major number of small businesses with the end state of lost income and bankruptcy.
  • Nominating (and accepting) a woman to the Supreme Court who couldn’t define what a ‘woman’ was.
  • The dancing of transgender men in front of children to impress them with their sexual deviancy.
  • Selling U.S. farmland to Chinese living in the U.S. with the objective of supporting China and reducing food production for the U.S.
  • The locking up of Americans as ‘terrorists’ for confronting their local school boards regarding what their kids are being taught.
  • The fraudulent takeover of our election system and denial of Trump as president.
  • Insanely making a dementia patient president of the U.S.
  • The Left and feds doing everything they can to drag us into a potential WWIII situation over what?
  • The questionable election of a person as a U.S. Senator who is a stroke victim and seriously handicapped mentally — Fetterman.
  • No one ever prosecuted over the death of thousands of assisted living occupants due to COVID patients being the forced into those homes.
  • Americans told to reduce their driving and their carbon footprint while elites fly everywhere in their jets.  (FBI director flies weekly ’35’ miles via his private jet.)
  • We Americans are told we’re bad because we pollute and destroy the world, while China builds coal plants by the thousands and pollute rivers and streams with abandon.
  • Everyone is ordered to stay home, unless they are going to riot somewhere and then don’t get prosecuted for it.
  • Men are allowed to participate in women’s sports and then call it fair ignoring actual birth gender.
  • Turning schools into Marxist camps of learning teaching them to like porn, question their gender, and be free to ‘experiment’ sexually, etc.
  • ‘Science’ telling us to stay inside and avoid sun, but tell us to take lots of vitamin D..?
  • The U.S. sending $100B to one of the most corrupt countries in the eastern bloc — Ukraine.
  • The U.S. using the Ukraine as a proxy for a war with Russia — a suicidal act.
  • Transgender males in a public library dancing provocatively in front of kindergarten children with their mothers handing them money to put in the waist of those men’s costumes.

Consider this question, what actions by the administration come to your mind that have been a ‘benefit’ to this country?  Can you even think of one decision that Biden and his team have implemented that had a positive impact on you and your family?  If not, ask yourself why.

Of significant importance, his administration is not just sending money to the Ukraine, but also threatening Russia.  And within the last week he has threatened China!  His public statement said that if China ‘supports’ Russia in any way regarding the Ukraine, that they would be “crossing the line”.  And currently we’re close enough to WWIII as it is, without poking our enemies with sticks!

What do you think will happen over the next two years if similar or worse activity occurs in this country?  How long do you think we can go on like this?

The people of America need, if nothing else, to resist this insanity.  Do not believe in junk science.  Do not believe in obvious lies, no matter where they came from.  Start thinking for yourself and stop depending on someone else to direct you and your family.  We are in deep trouble here.

If you do normally depend on someone else for help with your decisions? Consider seeking someone outside of your circle of friends.  Find someone who you can trust.  May I suggest God?  He is our ‘compass’.  He always ‘points north’ no matter what the situation.  Unlike this insane world that has us running in circles while the world goes mad.  We can depend on Him and His Bible to always give us correct answers for our lives.

If we do not seek God, Satan will not only seek us, but he will come visit us right here on earth — soon!  And when he does, today will look like a sunny day picnic without the ants.  If you’re looking for ‘hell on earth’, we’re going about it the right way.

It’s your choice…

American Kids Being ‘Groomed’ into Good Comrades

We Say Gay Kids

We’ve all heard the cliché, “Don’t mess with Texas!”  But today’s more popular and important phrase is, “Don’t mess with our kids!”  In any state!

You can’t read a newspaper or watch a news source without seeing our children being ‘groomed’ into confused and dysphoric kids — mutilated by ‘medical professionals’.  Such activity should be criminal, but the Left’s objectives are in play and they will not be derailed.  There is apparently power in numbers.  The number of people to make this such a huge issue has to be staggering.  Although this agenda appears to be a recent phenomena, it is not.

The Russians told us during the cold war that ‘they would bury us’ and that we would be destroyed from within – that not one shot would be needed.  You might ask how they could predict such a radical change in a large country such as America.  Answer, a radical agenda implemented with precision over decades of insidious activity – communist activity.

In 1963 the (Russian) communist goals to destroy America were documented in the Library of Congress.  That 1963 documentation (appendix pages A34-A35) lists those ‘45’ communist goals.  They were read into the congressional record verbally by Florida congressman A. S. Herlong, Jr.  Of significant import, 11 of those goals are dedicated to our children and schools, with the objective of perverting their morals and values.  That’s 25% of the communist’s goals targeting our kids!  If there is any doubt that these goals are real, just Google ‘communist goals america’ and watch a long list of results appear.  They are real, and are not a conspiracy theory.

The following is the list of those goals relevant to our kids.

  1. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
  2. Gain control of all student newspapers.
  3. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
  4. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
  5. Present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
  6. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
  7. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”
  8. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the “big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
  9. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture–education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
  10. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
  11. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

If you’ve read the above goals, it should have become obvious how we got where we are today, and where those ideas originated.  The only question remaining is, who else has been involved and who in America has betrayed this country — for ‘decades’? 

We, the electorate, are the people ultimately responsible for this problem by repeatedly electing corrupt representatives and allowing that corruption to creep further and further into our system thus allowing this ‘cancer’ to metastasize throughout America.  Too many Americans don’t even watch the news on television nor read articles in papers or on the web.  Without being informed as to the nature of this current movement and objective, the American people have no clue how long this has been going on. It should be clear by now that the enemy ‘within’ wants America destroyed.  Their intent is to pull it up from the ashes of that destruction and bring forward a new communist state, right here, in the good ol’ U.S.A. 

Although I speak of communist activity and subversion, I want to make clear where the ‘real’ source of power comes from — it is evil, yes Satan.  This is not just an American problem, it is also a world problem.  And trust me, there is much, much more to come.

Now is the time to stand up for our kids and grandchildren, or our future and theirs may be lost forever…


An Update on the Author

If you are receiving this post, you are obviously a subscribed member of this blog website. This is an explanation of my recent ‘disappearance’ for months from the web.

Due to ‘incidents’ relating to me of a security nature, along with pressing personal issues, I have either been unable to write articles for this site, or chose not to for the last several months because ‘the walls were closing in on me’. Multiple ‘incidents’ affecting me caused me concern, and I subsequently went ‘dark’.

That along with the ‘cancelling’ of my website has gotten beyond discouraging. If someone were to copy a title of any article on my site and did a search for that title with Google, they WOULD NOT receive even a hint of that article! Thank you Google. Yes, I’ve been cancelled to a large degree. Thus public exposure to what I share is no longer accessible other than at this website. Discouraging to say the least.

Because ‘big brother’ (aka, Google) has the power to silence anyone, I assume that I am in good company. And, after giving this issue significant thought, I have chosen to begin writing ‘selected’ articles that I feel must be shared with readers. As a subscriber, if you read these articles and find them of value, I would ask that you share them with others to share the news.

This country is at war — right now — and we (you and I) are participants of that war, like it or not. If we chose to not fight back, we shall all end up in a dystopian country, in short order, with a horrendous loss of freedoms — and likely, for the rest of our lives.

It is our choice to act or not act, to speak, or now speak. Bonhaufer chose to speak and it cost him his life. Ask what does silence cost you? I personally choose to fight. After all, we will all be facing the universal judge or our lives, and our actions will determine our ultimate fate.

The Major Tools of ‘The Great Reset’

The Great Reset | Book by Glenn Beck, Justin Trask Haskins | Official  Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster


Many of you have heard the term ‘The Great Reset’, but very few people know what it is or how it works.  This article will hopefully simplify what The Great Reset is and its objective.

If you really want to understand this subject, consider ordering ‘The Great Reset’ (book cover photo above) from Glenn Beck’s website.  (Be careful to not buy the wrong book — look for this book cover.  A Leftist wrote a much ‘kinder and gentler’ dishonest version to pull readers away from Glenn’s book.)  There are hundreds of references in Glenn’s book notating his sources,  i.e., facts.  You will learn the history, steps, actions, and future impact of this movement by reading this one book.  This article is a summary of that entire book.  Although this is a long article, it is much shorter than reading over 300 pages of the book.  I’d still suggest buying the book.

The High-Level View

The ‘World Economic Forum‘ (WEF) an international group created to develop a new  world [order] economic engine.  Why do we need a new engine?  Primarily because the elites of this world believe that we need more control and guidance with their leadership — and more importantly, to amass even more wealth than they have now.  This is a plan to destroy capitalism and take us all back to serfdom.

There are three major components of The Great Reset:  MMT, ESG, and DUSD.


‘Modern Monetary Theory’ (MMT) is an extension of the concept of Quantitative Easing (QE) — also known as Keynesian theory.   QE is the printing of money [today digitally] which in turn reduces the value of each dollar.  Governments use this technique to effectively reduce what they owe to other countries (who purchased that country’s bonds) and buy back their debt (eliminating it) with ‘cheaper’ money (that they create out of thin air).  That is the explanation of MMT in brief.  By doing a search for ‘MMT’ at the WEF’s website, you should find these two relevant articles: The Power and Poison of MMT (PDF) and A Comparison of 2020 to the Roaring Twenties.  Just two examples of the potential impact to our country.


‘Environmental, Social, Governance’ (ESG) is a ‘scoring’ system designed to control companies and people.

Due to the ‘pesky’ constitution we created over 200 years ago, it is more difficult for authoritarian groups to violate a person’s natural rights.  Recognizing that point, the Left (WEF, et al) has come up with a plan to get around our constitution.  That is, by using companies/corporations to control us in lieu of government.  This approach works because the constitution only relates to the federal government.  Therefore, companies cannot be sued for violations of our constitutional rights.  (Our founders obviously never dreamed of our current situation.) Those companies can then use the ESG scoring system to control the behavior of U.S. citizens using the ‘carrot and stick’ approach to motivation.  “You follow my rules, you get a carrot.  You violate them, you get the stick!”  So how does ESG work?  ESG is by definition a three-pronged attack on America — each letter being an attack point.

Environmental (E) — The letter ‘E’ attacks anything that the Left sees as a threat to their holy grail — ‘existential weather change’ — i.e., primarily fossil fuels.  If people buy oil products, coal, or natural gas, that is a major problem for the Left — and soon to be your problem too.  If you do not support their objective, you will be punished by lowering your ‘E’ score.

Social (Justice) (J) — The letter ‘S’ attacks the historical definition of law and order.  Whereas in the past if you committed a crime, you were prosecuted, given a trial, and if convicted you were put in jail.  Today, unfortunately, that is all too often no longer the case.  The reasoning is that if you in fact committed a crime, it was probably for a good reason.  You are a minority being discriminated against, or there was a lack of ‘equity’ (vs. equality), etc.  But if you are white and part of the middle class for example, you may be ‘designated’ a racist.  If you do not support the social justice view, you will be punished by lowering your ‘S’ score.

Governance (G) — Governance relates to your support of the government.  Your actions, such as buying a gun or bullets, violates the governance criteria (ATF) for example.  If you do not support the government’s views, you will be punished by lowering your ‘G’ score.

Right about now you’re probably wondering how this would actually be implemented.  The answer is to use the ESG concept in all aspects of your life.  If you want to invest money, you had best not invest in anything to do with oil for example.  If you do, your ‘E’, score would be lowered.  If you were to buy bullets, your ‘S’ score would take a hit.  And your  ‘G’ score could also be degraded because the ATF doesn’t want you to have bullets!  The impact being, that potentially you would not be able to get a loan (for a house or business), being able to bank, or not being able to buy anything at all (get at your money)!  e.g., Canadian truckers

The federal government (along with the WEF) is already looking into potential law changes to require the big three credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) to implement the government’s new calculations for your credit score.  That could mean for example that your loan rate might be adjusted higher or you would get no loan at all.

Here’s a few examples of the use of ESG in corporations.

Climate change presents mega investing opportunity — Fidelity Investments

Socially Responsible Investing — Schwab Investments

The ESG Report website (consultants) uses flowery words to describe the savior of our world — ESG.  The following is copied from their About page.

What does ESG mean?  ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance which is a framework for defining and measuring sustainability. ESG integrates traditionally disparate aspects of sustainability and directs attention to these issues in order to create a more sustainable world. Companies adopt these guidelines so as to be transparent to investors and the public about their impact on the environment and society.

Unlike traditional corporate financial reporting, ESG focuses on these 3 specific areas:

    1. Environment: This focuses on how the company’s business activities impact on sustainable environmental practices.
    2. Social: This focuses on how a companies’ operations and their products or services affect society and specifically, those that work for them and live near to where they operate.
    3. Governance: This focuses more on internal corporate practices such as ethical sourcing, workplace relations and employee benefits.

Doesn’t sound too bad, huh?  This makes Jen Psaki sound like a straight shooter, who is open and honest.

A Last Word on ESG

Let’s just look at the ‘E’ part of this process to demonstrate the false proposition regarding ‘green’ power being posed to control the American public.  Here are just a few facts that demonstrate that the ultimate plan of the Left is to destroy America.

  1. Nuclear power is cheaper, safer, more sustainable, than wind or solar power given our existing nuclear facilities.
  2. Existing nuclear power plants last much longer than the alternative solar or wind solutions currently.  Current technology nuclear systems are even more efficient, less expensive than existing facilities, and do not have to be replaced or upgraded for several decades.  Whereas solar and wind must be replaced every 20 years.
  3. Nuclear plants require a very small footprint to operate, are highly efficient, and safe.  However, to create the equivalent power needed to operate in America today, it would take 57,048 square miles of land for 18.8 billion solar panels.  And wind turbines are even worse.  The 2.12 million turbines required to power the U.S. would take 500,682 square miles of U.S. land!  Plus an additional large amount of land would be required for the disposal of wind and solar hazardous materials.
  4. Last but not least, the American death toll every year as a result of brown or blackouts could be huge and the cost of life would be immeasurable.

Ask yourself, “Does this makes sense to you”?

The Digital U.S. Dollar

Digital U.S. Dollar (DUSD) — The American public has no real idea of how much debt we have already — continued MMT spending would skyrocket our debt!  Without quoting numbers, suffice it to say, we are in hock for hundreds of trillions of dollars now!

The federal government and the federal reserve are currently planning on implementing a new U.S. currency — the DUSD.  If you’re looking for proof of such action, look no further than an internet search example here.  This is just one of many hits on the topic — Giancarlo Testimony.  Note in the URL the address:  ‘’.  Yes, this is real.

As stated earlier, QE or MMT makes it easy for the feds to ‘print’ money and debase the value of the dollar.  Which means our debt might go down (on paper) if they go to the DUSD.  But, this could also lead to the world losing all remaining faith in the dollar and our losing the reserve monetary status.  If that happened, our dollar would be worth nothing overnight.   (NOTE:  China today is sitting on over 4000 tons of gold and mining more every day.  Do you think that maybe they think their currency will be the new reserve currency?)

Through the implementation of the DUSD, the feds also could easily give every American a ‘haircut’ (a less than 1:1 exchange of their money) if they chose — one day you have $100,000 in the bank, and the next you have $80,000 — does that sound impossible?  Talk to the people in the EU.  Their government gave everyone with a balance over 100,000 euros a 20% haircut when their government was strapped for cash.  And several other countries still have ‘negative’ interest rates in their banks (e.g., Japan).  Somewhat the same idea, but an ongoing ‘taxation’.

But the key issue is, with the DUSD your money would be tracked for every cent in and out of your ‘pocket’.  Which that information could obviously be used to set your ESG score nationally.


Allow me to summarize the intent of the Reset.  It’s purpose is to set in motion (already done) a process whereby government and business can form an alliance — generally referred to as an oligarchy — to work together with the objective of reinventing our economic system.  That means, a new set of ‘rules’ will be implemented to control how much money is spent, where, and by whom.

What does that mean?  That, our federal government can spend as much money as they see fit, that they can spend it where they want, and determine who will benefit from that injection of money.  (Infrastructure today means more money to non-workers and social give-away programs, not the improvement of production.)  Also, it means that YOU shall spend your money where they want, and if not, you will be penalized for not conforming.

If you believe what you just read, then this article should motivate you to take action.  It is of extreme importance at this point that every American ‘resist’ this notion and take whatever legal action they can to insure this does not proceed further.   You can start by contacting your state and federal representatives.  Several states are taking action to outlaw the use of ESG ratings.

This is not just an American plan, but a worldwide plan (i.e., WEF).  This is a plan for a ‘one world government’ which will implement a digital currency — with the implication of controlling the money of everyone in the world — for the purpose of gaining ‘total’ control over every person on this planet.  If I’m not mistaken this idea was documented as a prophecy in the bible.

If you don’t believe this report, believe in the bible…

The Communist Organizations ‘Within’ America

Five facts about the CPUSA – Communist Party USA
New York demonstration with party members leading the parade.

Communists have been in America for decades — even prior to WWII.  For over 100 years the communists have been trying to turn the U.S. into a soviet state — and have been very successful.  Do you feel as ‘free’ as you did just a few years ago?  Just look at the news currently and see the propaganda we have to listen to daily.  Who do you think is generating this false information? 

About two years ago I was going to create a list of Marxist organizations, but got overwhelmed with other priorities.  Now Trevor Loudon (who I have met, spoken to, and has proven himself very knowledgeable on the subject of communist activity in America) has created a video unmasking these organizations . 

The following video created by Trevor tells about the various Marxist, communist groups around the U.S.  It is quite scary indeed — but all too real.  A good number of these people are anarchists and revolutionaries wanting to bring on the next revolution right here in the U.S.

Active Marxists and communist Organizations in America Today — Video


Understand, these people all have a very similar agenda — to destroy America as we know it.  But what is stunning is that these relatively smaller organizations have been morphed over time — from just a few thugs to tens of thousands — that now include the richest people in this country financing them.  Which is why you are now seeing so much anti-American sentiment and violence right here inside the U.S.

Having a few street thugs ‘protesting’ (aka, raising hell) is one thing.  But having George Soros and others of equal power behind these ‘useful idiots’ is extremely dangerous.  Like BLM they are growing in power extremely fast.  So far the violence has been ‘limited‘.  But if we continue on our current path, you will see the violence start to rage in all states, hopefully not. 

The answer to this movement is to ‘Resist’.  If we continue letting the various forces within the U.S. push us far enough, we will find that we are at a cliff’s edge.  At that point people become desperate and act out of fear or anger (or both).  The end result may not be what the people actually wanted.  e.g., France and their revolution.

Americans had best read about what’s happening, and start pushing back.  The ‘gentle’ period of persuasion (push) is soon to be over.  Next we will experience the ‘shove’ of the Left against our backs and find ourselves at that cliff’s edge.  If no resistance from us is sensed, we’ll get to experience the ‘shoot’ phase which won’t end well — for anybody! 

Make no mistake, we are at war, maybe cold, but war indeed.  The enemy within will not rest until they get their way — which is power, control, and money to measure their success.  And boy are they getting rich now!! 

Not to act is to act.  It’s time we all act to save ourselves.  RESIST

Cancelled – Justice4USA Under Attack

CANCELLED: Thursday December 8th Performance - Bag&Baggage Productions

I have been running this hosted website for over six years – without difficulty.  Now, thanks to the Left, it is being ‘messed with’ on a progressively more frequent basis.  Early last year I found that my sharing of articles with Facebook was turned off at WordPress causing no information to show up on Facebook. 

Now today, I find my latest article (titled below) to have been sabotaged and the key video being left out of the article.  (If you check my previously posted article, you will see the video is there and works as designed.) 

As a heads-up, I am going to try and develop another site and continue my publishing of articles there — more to come.  The following is a re-post of the article with a link to the video (and no photo).  We’ll see what happens this time..? 

Medical Totalitarianism Part III — Sen. Ron Johnson Hearing

This is the first article I have ever written that consisted of three parts.  But this topic is of extreme importance to everyone in America.  It is frankly, to me, breathtaking to watch the video below.  Because of the video in this article, my objective is to merely setup the reader for what is coming and to point to things worth considering after watching it.

Many Americans believe that the ‘China CCP virus’ was intentionally created as a weapon against Americans (along with many other countries).  That incident is still waiting for a serious investigation, but that will probably never happen.

The American invented [we believe] vaccine shots (Moderna, Phizer and J&J) were developed in the U.S., manufactured here, and distributed here.  You, like many of us, thought the ‘vaccines’ were a great thing (me included).  But it’s looking like they are not such a good thing.  If true, who should be to blame?  I am sure at the least, America.  (More really great PR much like the Afghanistan debacle.)

Watch the following video to the end — there is a great deal of shocking numbers presented worth hearing.  Most of the informative is shocking.  And a great deal of it could affect you!

Now is the time to really consider the science.  The majority of those present in the hearing are scientists and medical doctors.  Not Fauci light, but real scientists.  And most likely information we can trust.

Sen. Ron Johnson Hearing Video

Give that a little time to soak in and allow it to process.  The implications are a scary proposition.  This means that many people in this country and others, are potentially going to die — early!  I’m sure those other countries are not going to be happy with us as a result.  (Again much like the Afghanistan debacle.)

Having studied the communist movement in our country for years, this is even hard for me to grasp.  But like myself, give it time to soak in and process.  Think about the implications.  Why would somebody do this?  Was it an act of stupidity?  A mere error due to rushing too much?  Or was it planned?  And if so, why?

Marxists believe, like Karl Marx, that ‘people are the problem’.  The less people you have to manage, the better.  Why is it that millions of people had to die when each country was flipped to communism?  Is this one of the steps to get us to a  communist state?  (The estimated death toll attributed to communism is over 100 million….  so far.)

The planning for COVID-19 started in 2002!  (See: Government-Corporate Oligarchy and Medicine)  Bill Gates was one of the leading actors in that process.  Why is a computer guy involved in pandemics?  Why was planning for our current corona virus started that early?

If you have watched the video and heard the huge numbers stated that apply to today, what do you think the numbers of tomorrow are going to be?  My guess is seven or eight digits at least.  Especially since the CDC et al are pressing for kids under “5” being vaccinated now!!  Do you think the federal government doesn’t know about this?  It’s the federal government personnel (whistleblowers) who created the information!!  But maybe the government is just inept?  If you die because of the government, do you really care if it’s because of stupidity or evil?

This is an opinion column where I typically take facts (dots), connect them together, and then project potential answers as to the ‘why’ of the topic.  We all come from different places with our own views, as such you will undoubtedly form your own opinion on this subject.  But my guess is, whatever your thoughts, they won’t be a ‘happy thoughts’..?  And I can’t see how anyone could come to a positive conclusion based on what has been presented here — this is simply evil.

Regardless, as stated in two previous articles, I have formed the opinion that this is tied to the Great Reset and is a setup for yet another crisis in our immediate future.  The end objective is to take control of all aspects of our lives — soon.  Time will tell what our future holds.

The key for you is:  To determine what you believe;  Form a strong opinion one way or the other; and then believe in yourself and take action.  If you don’t take all of these steps seriously, you are wasting your time and will be left to bob in the sea with the rest of the corks going wherever the current takes you…

P.S.  I guess I should be proud (?) of being a target for the censors attacking all right-leaning publishing.? 


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